We've been watching the Suns a bit and decided to see a game. Even at the last minute we scored some great seats (probably cuz it was a sunday night). It reminded me of when I used to go to basketball games at my high school. It was fun just to watch a great game. Those players are really talented and tall!!!
This was tip-off--man can they jump high!
A cool shot! Too bad he actually ended up missing this one, but it looked really neat!
Our standard pose taken by a girl behind us. Her little brother was cute as he rooted for the Suns saying things like "de-fence!" or "way to go Nash!" throughout the game. He was about half my age and knew more than double about basketball! Oh and the usher guy in the yellow shirt was very nice too. He let us know where we could get free food and bottled water! I think he could tell we were new because we had just paid for our subway sandwhiches not even realizing we were sitting in seats that got us free food! What a nice usher!