Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cat Frenzi

In May, we were proud to have a new addition to our family! Chad found an abandoned 2 week old kitten under a shed at his work. We named her Miss May and bottle fed her until she was about 6 weeks old. Our other cats have welcomed her into the family and we even caught Miss May snuggling with Bubba (our lovable 7 yr old 15lb cat). We also caught Daisy (our friendly 2 yr old flower nibbling cat) playing in a box. Here is our kitty photo collection!
Bubba looking at something to attack!
Daisy trying to sleep...a little annoyed at us!
Miss May discovering steps at 6 weeks
Bubba and Miss May cuddling on the office chair while Lynn edits the blog.
Daisy playing in a box(this occurs regularly)!

1 comment:

TimaSue said...

Your kitties are soo cute. Hows the little one doing? Mary did the bottle feeding to the last batch of kittens they had this summer. Most of them are doing well now all frisky and playful and on to solid food. Hope Bubba is staying sane with the crazy younguns.