Saturday, December 27, 2008

Prescott Christmas 2008

We rented a quaint little cabin in Prescott with Tom and Julie (Chad's parents) for a couple of days over Christmas. Here are some goofy photos from our adventure including a great pic of Chad's dad dealing with the fact that a big storm hit and knocked out power to the cabin. The back up generator kicked in, but the electric fireplace never really worked after the power outage and Tom was a big Cranky McGrumpypants cuz he was so cold! The oven and stove still worked so Lynn was happy! We made some yummy monkey bread in the morning after a home-made mac n' cheese made by Julie!
Our White Christmas photo!  

Lynn can balance pumpkin pie on her belly!  Yeah for baby bellies!  
The altitude got the best of us...the cabin was at around 7000ft!
Tom and Julie got ahold of the camera and contributed a goofy photo!

Tom as Cranky McGrumpypants...why you so grumpy!!!!

Office humor
Lynn opening all bundled up opening her presents!
Chad read through Tom's "2009 survival calendar" there was even a scenario that described how to survive a down power line.  Others included how to survive being stranded on an iceberg and a stampede of mad shoppers.   Tom should be prepared for just about anything this upcoming year!
Julie and Lynn in the kitchen cookin' dinner for the guys!  Mmmm, the mac n' cheese was soo yummy!  

1 comment:

Eunice said...

Hah, we have that SAME exact TWSS onesie! We got it awhile ago for whenever we have a kiddo. We want him/her to follow in their parent's footsteps ;o)