Friday, March 30, 2012

Reading and Walking

Wow!  How time flies...Roman learned to read and Brooklyn learned to walk this week!  I'll post pics later, but for now...Just thought I would share...

Brooklyn took her first steps a couple days ago!  She even did it for the camera!  Hooray!  Then about an hour later she was standing at the ottoman in our living room and saw Roman doing something exciting.  On her own accord and free will (no parental coaxing) she turned and took a few steps towards Roman.  She is definitely more stable that Roman was when he first started to walk since I even saw her pivot too...all in her first day of walking.  Way to go Brooklyn!

Roman's first word he read (where the lightbulb clicked on, registering in his mind that he had just read a word) was "fast".  It was in one of his Thomas books: The Big Race where Thomas races Bertie the bus.  So yes, there were lots of words that he could pronounce on his own such as "bus, up, fun, fast, stop"  He was so excited that he did it!  Daddy let him stay up late (which wasn't hard for our night owl) to show me when I came home from coaching.  Sure enough, he did it!  Then this morning he read 4 more words that I had made on some flash cards.  Wowza!  He sounds out each letter then says the sounds faster and then says the word.  A friend of mine who is a kindergarten teacher said that what he is doing, at a VERY early age of 3, is called decoding.  His intense love for books has catapulted him into the world of reading.  To all you moms out to your kids and read a lot!  They will soak it up!

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