Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Coming along


Well B is 19 months and is talking like crazy. She also enjoys putting on clothing. She has an inherent need to put things back, just like her mama! And just like her mama she doesn't like poop...let me explain. She has, for about a week now, pooped in the potty and then immediately retreated off of the potty to get away from it. I feel ya, your business and get off!! But in all honesty, she is doing great at potty training. She peed twice on the potty today, had only a few accidents, and even used a public restroom for poop! Way to go!!!

Roman is learning to be kind and polite to others, including his sister. Today, I was slipping and almost fell, but in my stumbling/shuffling I caught myself. The first thing Roman said was, whoa mama are you ok?! It was in the most sincere voice ever too!! Love his big heart!!

Plus, they both LOVE helping mama with dishes! love it!!

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