On Friday (Dec. 16), my friend Melissa came into town to visit family and friends. We had a party in the evening where she invited lots of old friends to get together, eat great food and drink fantasticly yummy apple cider punch while sharing laughs and stories. We all had a really great time and of course they are all welcome at the McDonald's anytime...such a great group!
Melissa made the punch so pretty! Bravo!
Jen and Ryan were also able to make it! Yeah! Ryan gave us all great photography tips and Jen showed off her new car! By the way, I love the roominess of her car and the surround sound too!

Jen laughing at Ryan :)

Ryan with lots-o-popcorn in his mouth!

from left: Sussy, Paula, Kristi, Melissa, Pam, Ashley

Sussy and Ashley in the kitchen bein' goofy!
We did a gift exchange and had a blast! I ended up with this really cute belly dancing kit (symbals included). They all insisted I show them what I learned! Modestly, of course!
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