Sunday, December 18, 2011

Our hope is in the Lord

My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth 
Psalm 121:2

This year has been a humbling year.  Being in the midst of this horrible economy and  being without a paycheck for 6 months has really made us focus on God's provisions.  We look back on all the things he HAS provided for us.

  • He has gifted me with another beautiful child, sweet Brooklyn.
  • He has gifted me with tubs and tubs of donated clothes and baby items for our kids from countless friends (Ambrye, Mandy, Alisa, TimaSue, Stefanie, Christine, Melissa, and countless more!)
  • He has gifted me with encouraging scripture to help discipline Roman.
  • He has gifted me with a "Barnabus" in my life, Mrs. Stefanie Jamison-Roman's music teacher, homeschooler extraordinaire, woman of God.
  • He has gifted me with friends who are non-judgmental and supportive (my amazing playgroup ladies: Summer, Tarsha, Leslee, Vanessa, Mandy, Krissy and great neighbors: Kelly and Christine).
  • He has gifted me with the burning to learn more about Him from Bible Study Fellowship.
  • He has gifted me with a church family and Pastor that tells me they miss us when we are gone.
  • He has gifted me with a husband who, despite a struggling and what feels like failing business, has grown closer to God than ever before...reading his Bible daily, and multiple times at that!
  • He has gifted me with family who brought food to our doorstep and restocked our freezers and pantry.
  • He has gifted me with time and energy to get up early to bake to earn extra money.
  • He has gifted me with a hubby who will come home early every Wednesday so I can teach gymnastics for 4 hours to earn some cash.
  • He has gifted me with generous bosses who have allowed us to continue to keep Brooklyn and Roman enrolled in life saving skill that is learning to swim, despite our financial situation.
  • He has gifted me with the ability to make bread, granola bars, pasta, etc. to feed our family nutritious and inexpensive meals.
  • He has gifted me with amazing friends (Stefanie & Robert, Scott & Whitney,  Nick & Sarah, Eric & Jena) to babysit for us so Chad and I could go on date.

For a year that didn't earn much money, we sure were blessed.  I have only touched the tip of the ice berg when it comes to blessings.

God did some amazing things this year and we feel blessed.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever.
Psalm 107:1

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