Sunday, August 17, 2008

Yummy Blueberry muffins

With blueberries in season right now, I picked up a boatload at costco and decided to make blueberry muffins. I used the Better Homes cookbook, but substituted whole grain (freshly milled) flour and agave for the flour and sugar. They turned out so yummy! I'm so excited, now I can really enjoy a muffin without feeling totally guilty from the sugar and low-fiber flour. I was so proud, I piled the muffins on a pretty little plate and took a pic! I even made some chocolate chip muffins for Chad to have after he comes home from his baseball game this morning! By the way, the prep time said about 10 seriously only took 10 minutes! Wow...they weren't kidding when they printed "fast" next to the recipe!

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