With a family of four, there's bound to be, the crazies, the goofies, the happies, the frownies and even some brownies. But what we always can count on is God to be in whom we have our trusties! Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Movie to see
FYI: TGI Fridays is open on Christmas Day.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
chad and tommy dancing!!!
The video isn't working right now...sorry :( Trust me, it was really funny!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!
I pray that everyone takes a moment to slow down and pray for someone else in need.
I pray that we all remember the true meaning of Christmas: the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.
I pray for my loving husband as he is a God loving man!
I pray for anyone who doesn't know the saving grace of God. Specifically that they (whoever they are) accept Jesus as their savior and invite him into thier lives to have a real relationship with such an awesome and merciful God. No matter the sins of the past..he will forgive you when you except Jesus as your savior.
I pray God gives me the words to say to be a becon of light to all who don't know Jesus.
I pray for my Nana health as she is in the hospital again tonight.
I pray for my sisters and their familes...precious Godly children they are.
I pray for chad's family's health and spirt...such wonderful people they are!
I praise God for EVERYTHING I have. I know it's not what this life is about, but God has given it to us for a reason. Thank you oh Lord for I am not worthy of your gifts. I sinned before, but now I'm saved and feel your love in many different ways. You give and take away: you provide just what we need to do your will. I praise you for sending your son to spend time on this earth existing as fully human and fully God. I recognize his birth as holy. I recognize, but cannot even begin to describe the amount of love you have for me to allow your precious son to die for all my many sins. Lord you are a great God and a God of wonders. I love you always and forever. Although tomorrow may not be Jesus' actual birthday...Christmas is a symbol of the birth of our savior. I encourage everyone to accept the good news of Jesus and become saved by his blood. I fully declare that without Jesus Christ I will not go to heaven, instead I will go to Hell. I choose God and heaven because he loves me unconditionally and chose to save me and anyone esle who would like to be saved. What do you choose? Who do you choose?
Semi Functional Rest Stop
Anyways, 99% of the rest stations were standard in functionality and cleanliness. They had working toilets and were resonably clean considering the heavy traffic. However, we weren't so fortunate at one "cafe" rest stop. Because we really couldn't wait any longer, we had no choice but to stop at what seemed like an abandoned town..almost ghost-townish! There were a whopping 2 cars in the dirt parking lot and maybe 5 tables inside. You'd think it were quaint from my description...and it was...until I entered the womens restroom.
Imagine my surprise when I saw in the first of 4 stalls: a dirty toilet, well soiled and almost overflowing. The 2nd stall spared me the mental image of the toilet as it had a sign declaring "out of order". No biggy right..there were still 2 more stalls; I was bound to find a functioning stall. The 3rd stall proved to be manageable even though there was a hand written note on the toilet tank's lid requesting the user to "Hold down to flush-Thank you." Hey, no problem...I use my foot anyways and I have pretty good balance so I could manage in this stall. My curiosity got the best of me because like a train wreck I just had to see what was behind door number 4. I don't think words could actually describe the image or the smell. So, I'll let you look at the pics yourself. Yep, I toop pictures of it because I know people might think I was exagerating. Oh, and to make it even more of a memorable moment the sink was also "out of order" I just had to laugh! Hand sanitizer came in handy after this stop! Don't worry...there are no poopy pictures, I didn't snap a picture of stall #1.
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rest stop restroom |
Christmas Cruise
Day 1: Drive 8 hours to L.A We stopped a bagillion times for gas, food, restrooms etc. There was so much wind our SUV only got 16 miles to the gallon! Yeah, crazy huh! After wating in the long line (even though we pre-registered online...it still took us 30 minutes) we boarded the boat. Then participated in a mandatory munster drill....that was fun! You'll see some awesome photos of us in our fashionable vests! Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed (quick, what movie is that line from!?). We explored the boat...grabbed a bite to eat before our 8:30pm dinner. This is where we were introduced to some pretty cool boat movement as demonstrated by a migrating ketchup bottle landing nearly in Chad's lap! Yeah, it vibrated right off the table...good catch Chad!
Day 2: Sleep in, work out with Julie (we did a yogalates class: mix between pilates and yoga) Then we got off the boat and toured Ensenada and La Bufadora (the blow hole). Oh, and we ate like a zillion churros! Did I mention that is one of the main reasons Chad and I keep taking the same cruize over and over again! They are soooo yummy! We got back in time for formal dinner. After little show by our wait staff (they sang an italian love song), we walked around the boat, listened to some Karaoke.
Day 3: Sea Day! Chad and I got massages (they covered us in sea weed, then wrapped us in a shear tin foil material (all you space people think MLI) and left us alone (wrapped up, unable to move) for about 20 minutes! Then we washed as much of the green goup off and came back for the massage! On the way back to the room, we noticed we still had some green stuff on us! Imagine the Hulk...that's wat Chad looked like! To kill some time, we won bingo, played a game of "What's in the bag/purse?" and then watched the Christmas show where all the little kids on the boat sang Christmas songs! So cute! We weren't allowed to take pictures of it though...copyright law or something. Then we caught another show a couple hours later...Rock n' Roll show...Lynn got pulled up on stage to do the Macarena! At dinner, the waiters invited the guests to dance with them! I have a great little video of Chad and his brother, Tommy dancing!
Day 4: Got up way too early, lugged our luggage off the boat (saved us oodles of time doing it ourselves rather that putting it outside our door the night before so that the crew could pick it up, haul it off the boat, then call off sections of the boat to disembark...this would have taken up the 3 hours!
Overall, we all laughed at (and with) each other...making it a great family vacation! Thank you, Julie, Tom, Tommy, and Ryan for those good times! We're ready for another!
Believe it or not, I did this whole blog during the car ride home. I'm tellin' you, those sea sickness patches work, otherwise I would have been really sick reading and typing! Gotta go...almost home! Enjoy the pics!
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McDonald Christmas Cruise |
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I'm waiting on Melissa to send me the pic of us together with the veggie gardens behind us!
Christmas Party with Melissa and Friends
Melissa made the punch so pretty! Bravo!
Jen and Ryan were also able to make it! Yeah! Ryan gave us all great photography tips and Jen showed off her new car! By the way, I love the roominess of her car and the surround sound too!
We did a gift exchange and had a blast! I ended up with this really cute belly dancing kit (symbals included). They all insisted I show them what I learned! Modestly, of course!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Beautiful Day!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Thanksgiving at Lynn's parents
Because Lynn works with pre-school kids...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Victory Day 2007
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Victory Day 2007 |
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Peach Cobbler
Friday, October 12, 2007
Cat's tongue
One with nature
My sister and her family came up with us; we had so much fun! Emily (4yrs) had her first s'more and we collected lots of acorns and wild flowers...even leaves that were changing colors!!! We even cooked a meal over the fire, like we were "roughin' it." Everything tastes yummy when you're camping!
D-Backs playoff fun!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Gymnastics Bloopers!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Yummy Yummy Applesauce!
- Peel and cut apples into quarters
- heat apples on stove until soft (I used a pressure cooker...but any old pot will be suffice)
- Mash hot soft apples to desired consistency (I like it pureed like baby food!)
- Add Cinnamon
- Grab a spoon and enjoy!
Approximate prep time: 10 min
Approximate cook time: 6 min for 6 apples in pressure cooker(more time if cooked in a regular pot)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Demolition Time part 2
Friday, September 21, 2007
Demolition Time
Monday, September 10, 2007
Chad's on TV!!!!
We posted it on his company website. It might take a few minutes to load up. Let us know if you have any issues loading the 30 sec. commercial or the 5 minute video.
30 sec. Commercial
5 minute Home Show Segment
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Another day at the ballpark!

New York Trip
Chad was a little unsure about the whole merry-go-round idea, but Lynn took his picture anyway to capture the moment!
On our last day, we went back to New York and took a carriage ride around the park. It's worth the $40 bucks to sit back and relax. Our carriage driver even gave us tidbits of interesting facts as he led us around the park. For example, the merry-go-round we rode on is the oldest working merry-go-round in the world (100yrs old)! Wowsa!
Lynn snuck a kiss in while taking a photo at Central Park!
We went to ESPN zone to goof around. Chad couldn't resist the race car experience!
This HUGE dinosaur fossil was at te entrance of the Museum of Natural History. We spent the afternoon walking around the museum!
We went to Rockifeller Center and NBC studios. This pic was taken outside NBC studios..thought it was kinda funny in an "office" way!